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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Creating Information Products the simple way

As an affiliate you are probably thinking why would I want to create a information product myself? Frist it gives you many advantages with your own product you can establish yourself as an expert easily. It gives you more control and you get to keep most of the money. To do this you really only need a couple of things first is you need to find a hungry market with buyers in that market then find solutions for that market one way to do that is head on over to the warrior forum and look at the titles of the forums if that forum is in the niche you are in or you can Google discussion forums and find one related to you niche this will give you a idea of products you can have created. You can have a e-book easily created about any title that you find in the warrior forum once you have a e-book in mind simply look for someone to create it at the warrior forum under warrior's for hire or odesk make sure to look for a similar product on clickbank or do a Google search for a similar product that you can show the outsourcer so they have a model to go by once they e-book is created you will need graphics and a sales letter for the site it can be a simple 1 page site again this can be posted on the warrior forum and done for cheap. once you have those then you need a programmer and that can also be found on the warrior forum as well then you will need to collect payments this can be done through paypal or clickbank either one if you go through paypal you will need to generate a code for a button and give that to your programmer.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

List Building Made Easy

In this post I am going to share a easy list building strategy with you just don't over think it. To get started with this you need a couple of things first is a hot offer which can be found by going to click bank and reviewing categories which in essence are broken down into niches and sub niches but in general people will want to look better, feel better and always need more money and these will also be competitive niches which is a good thing we will want lot's of competition we just need to out smart them. Once you have a hot offer you will need to do keyword research in that niche which can be done at but you will need a adwords account to use there tool or you can Google keyword research tool and find one that suits your need next you will want to head over to this will be were you will make a landing page that has an awesome headline and call to action and also give a freebie away in exchange visitors will leave you there name and email and get added onto your list this will require a getresponse account or aweber account. Once you have a landing page set-up next part is to drive traffic to that page you can do this with Facebook ads Facebook has a lot of targeting options so you will get highly targeted leads from this. Once you have lead's coming in you will want to make sure you have a e-mail series set-up to capitalize on the lead's coming in.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a simple concept: you find buyers for products and when the sale is made, you earn a percentage of it as a affiliate usually 50-75% . If you have ever done a search on Google, you have seen the advertisements that pop up on the top and right side of the page. Those pop-up advertisements are from affiliate marketers trying to make a sale. Almost anyone with an Internet connection can become an affiliate marketer. click bank is one of the largest networks that offer affiliate's a chance to earn 50-75% commissions. usually in affiliate marketing you would research a product that is in a hot niche and you are looking to find solution's to problems that hot niche is having once you have done that you find the product that you want to promote click bank provides a link you promote that link and when someone buy's you get a commission that is affiliate marketing. If you go to and look over there blog it is a very good resource for information into this topic. In later post of this blog I will go into more detail on how to succeed as an affiliate marketer and what it takes to make it online.