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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Info Cash 2 Review Did you think direct linking is dead in 2014 will think again in info cash 2 Chris Carpenter reveals that it is still alive and Google is not the only game in town with Bing and the facebook network you can really cash in with this. Info Cash customers can earn money online Without a website Without a product Without an email list Without cold calling of face to face selling ... And with little or no experience or technical skills Info Cash students learn the fundamentals of affiliate marketing first, and then are encouraged to progress through 3 distinct learning phases. In Phase 1, students become well paid affiliates. Phase 1 has been designed for total newbies, tired affiliates and bloggers looking for a new way to earn money online. Students are shown direct linking tactics, proven techniques and advanced affiliate marketing strategies. Info Cash also shows affiliates how to generate affiliate commissions using Facebook fan pages - and customers that order our $197 Fan Page Builder package get unlimited access to our custom Facebook application. This is the fastest and easiest way to make money online, and original video training both inspires and educates. There is a tremendous amount of content, and students work at their own pace while you earn monthly commissions. But there's a fresh twist ... Our latest training videos highlight a huge opportunity through Microsoft Bing, and the brand new Facebook Graph search engine. Info Cash students also learn how to make money using fan pages, and how to tap into the viral nature of Facebook. This is further accelerated using our custom Facebook application that finds and duplicates the most viral content online! Affiliate marketing is alive and well in 2014, and many of the core training principles are based on my previous, very successful product Google Cash. (Google Cash became abest-seller, holding the top spot in the Clickbank 'Work At Home' niche for nearly 3 years running - and many of the techniques revealed in the original Google Cash ebook now work better than ever through Microsoft Bing and Facebook). In Phase 2, Info Cash students are shown how to create their own email list and start a WordPress blog. Training on copywriting, list building, conversion tracking & online publishing is included. As students progress, they begin to support their affiliate marketing efforts, and produce a more reliable income through their blog. Phase 2 training lays the foundations for the final phase of Info Cash. In Phase 3, Info Cash students learn how to create a full blown information product from start to finish. They get complete access to the "Profit From Your Passion Blueprint" - a comprehensive course on creating information products, previously sold for $147. Students get this course completely FREE, as part of their regular Info Cash membership! If you think this is for you then go here now

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Content is king if you want to rank in Google in 2014

In this post we are going to talk about content marketing which is curating content to attract and retain your customer. If you think about it content is the most important thing we provide without it your business would be dead. If you have a blog then you will need content on your blog so you can attract visitor's to it even if you are doing paid traffic without content then you would have nothing. if you are creating an e-book then you will need to fill it with content. If you are creating lading pages you will need content for e-mail marketing. The more content you create the more Google will love you in the video above it will explain how to create content Google will love for years to come.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Facebook Engagement with Harlan Kilstein

In this video you will learn all about facebook pages and engaging with your fans on facebook make sure you watch the video all till the end you will learn allot.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

9 Step System To Internet Marketing

In this post I am going to go over a system that is very simple but very effective. Just remember these steps List/Value/offer there are 5 top niche areas you can choose from 1. Health 2. wealth 3. self development 4. Raving fans of.... 5. People in pain. The first thing you will want to do is find an affiliate product that has a high re-bill value this can be done by going to click bank then find the niche of your choice and sort by Avg. re-bill Total. The next thing you need to do is get 5 items of content you can use as a 5 part course this can be done at ezinearticles and youtube. the next step is to create an opt-in page you can use leadpages or wix or unbounce. If you need e-cover's for your opt-in page use myecovermaker. Next you need a autoresponder to create an opt-in form you could use getresponse, mailchimp, aweber or worldinternetoffice. Next you need to forward a domain name to this page go to godaddy for this. Next load the 5 pieces of content onto individual web pages. Next you need to write a sales message for each piece of content. Next write a message to promote a affiliate product from clickbank. Next you need to send traffic to your opt-in page you can do this through PPC on facebook or Bing. You can you solo ads at solo ad marketplace. You can use joint Ventures you do this by finding 10 experts in your niche through a google search and ask to send your message for free in return in 30 days you well send there message to your list. Then you just Rinse and Repeat.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Using socialadr for extra traffic

Today I want to talk to you about a program called socialadr this is a social bookmarking site that you can use and have other people bookmark your site for you.But allot of people that use this service just get it wrong from the start you see they sign-up for an account get all the social networks they require and start booking marking there money keywords that is were they go wrong and almost everyone using he service is doing the same thing. But what if instead of bookmarking your money keywords you start book marking your anchor text that your site has on it this looks more natural to Google. You can sign-up for socialadr by clicking here. Also here is an seo tip for you google loves when you have sites in your same niche or a related niche linking back to your site but sometimes high quaitly are hard to find but there is a way around that you can build your own private blog network and use that as a buffer to get links related to your niche back to your money site you want to use a expried domain that has been around for a bit you can find these and you will need a hostnine reseller account to get each site on a differnt IP address when you post articles to these sites make sure they are high quaitly you want to make 5-10 sites back linking back to yours. That's it for today hope this helps.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Creating a e-book like the pro's do part 2

If you have not read the post E-Book please go here this post will be a continuation of that post. When you are crating a e-book you first need to decide which niche or market you want to serve then you need to find out if people are searching for that type of information because if no one is searching for that particular information it does not matter how good it is or how good your sales page is you want sell anything. So head on over to adwords sign-up for an account and use the adword's tool enter your keywords and if it has 30,000- 100,000 searches per month then there is probably a big enough market to serve. Next there needs to be a problem or pain in the market you can slove. Does this market have a high disposable income. is there some back-end potential so you can make up-sell's. is the group of people you want to help easy to reach. Now that we have that down i am going to go through some easy ways to create you'r e-book. You could set up a fly catcher page which is a website page where you ask your prospects what they want the ebook to be about, what questions should be answered when they click submit they go to your e-mail inbox. You then take those questions and research the answers and that becomes your e-book. If you do no want to do the work yourself you can outsource this at elance or guru, vworker. You can interview experts and create an e-book about the interview or have it transcribe. You can find experts at,,,,,, Facebook, google and many others. You can use skype and the callburner app. to record interviews or set-up a teleconference at You can set-up a webinar and invite 2-3 experts record it and transcribe it. You can create an Mp3 or audio course once you have a list of 8-12 questions or topics that your prospects are interested in then you just record the answers using the free tool audacity and transcribe that into an e-book. You can buy PLR products and revamp them. You can take free articles from ezinearticles and videos from youtube the e-book can be a simple collection of other people articles when you are done collecting articles then put them into a word doc and use a free pdf creator to turn into a PDF. Hope this helps a bit and you found it intresting.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


This post is going to be about how to create an e-book. Have you been struggling to make money online? Have you put up a website and had no success? Have you tried sell affiliate products and still have had no success? I think I have a solution to your problem what if you were the product owner and your e-book was listed on clickbank, paydotcom, warrior forum, jv zoo, and these are just some of the affiliate networks. I am going to give you 14 reason's why you should create and sell your own e-books. 1. Minimum skill is required to set these up and you can do it part time 2. it's really fast you literally can have this up and running in eight hours 3. you can establish yourself as a expert in your field 4. no need for inventory or postage fees 5. you can automate your business and it runs even while you are sleeping making you money 6. you can work from home and enjoy the things you love to do 7. the cost of running a business from home is very low and there are many no cost options 8. Loads of leverage the internet, affiliate's, Ad's, knowledge. you can leverage all of these to sell around the world 9. you add more value to people's lives 10. you have access to a giant global market 11. you are providing instant gratification 12. there is a 100 percent profit margin because you are selling a digital product 13. you are creating multiple streams of income with every new e-book 14. selling you own products means you are not exchanging time for money Now that you have the reasons you should start creating e-books I am going to show you how it is going to work. 1. Find an awesome niche with a problem that needs to be solved research some great solutions and then create a 30 page word document with one really good idea and turn that into a PDF. 2. you can pay clickbank $50 to join there network so you can sell your e-book or you can go to the warrior forum, Paydotcom, jvzoo and do the same thing 3. Have someone create a website for you and you just need 2 pages the sales page and a thank you page were you product can be downloaded. this can be done at e-lance, Guru, warrior forum, fiverr. 4. then you just need to drive traffic to that page. These are just the basic's that you will need to get started with in upcoming post's I will go deeper into the research part of it and how to find a great niche market to go into plus i will reveal to you the 12 easiest and fastest ways to create a e-book.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Killer listbuilding tips with frank kern

In this video you will see some killer list building tips from frank kern if you don't know who this is just Google him you will see. List building is essential to every affiliate marketer if you are not doing it then you are just throwing money away.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

List Building with Russell Brunson

This is a great story about Russell Brunson and how he got started list building. List building is the key to internet marketing if you think that this is something you would like to do then click here now.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Google Sinper 2.0 review 2014

I’ve been waiting for a product like this for some time. We all know that there are various “make money loopholes” or “push button software’s” available to buy that have the ability to generate you money online, but there’s nothing better than a proven strategy that works. A detailed step by step guide which takes you from struggling to make a cent, to earning commission on autopilot for months on end. Google sinper by Gorge Brown the course will take you step by step how to make 1 page wordpress sites and have them easily rank in google. It will only take you 2-4 hours to set these up. Plus in the course there are a ton of video's laying out the setp's you need to take to become successful. There’s no traffic generation involved! ● No PPC ● No Link Building ● No Social Media - No Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or anything or that sort ● No CPA ● No More Spending Time On Months Of Content Either... This is single handily one of the best courses on the internet to learn affiliate marketing google sinper 2.0 has taken it to the next level. So with more success stories generated than any other make money online strategy? It’s a no brainer; Click here now to watch the free video.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

E-mail Marketing tips you cant live without

Here are some great e-mail marketing tips. 1. Once you have a customer base stay in touch with them and e-mail at least twice a day once in the morning and a second in the evening. 2. Subscribe to at least 10-12 newsletters in your niche you will learn a lot from this look at what time of the day they are e-mailing you and what they are e-mailing you. 3. People buy things from people they trust add value to you customers by providing real value to them with free reports 4. the worst thing you could do is be boring so give some glimpse into your personal life and write how you talk 5. Use online video when you can this will allow you to connect emotionally with your readers 6. Have the blue clickable link in your e-mail above the fold so your customers don't need to scroll down 7. Contact your customers regularly it takes about 5 exposures to get the sale make sure you nurture them with valuable content 8. Promote low cost offers to get your list used to buying from you 9. Make sure you post can be read on all types of devices 10. It is very important to send upsells to your list to achieve a better lifetime customer value

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Creating Information Products the simple way

As an affiliate you are probably thinking why would I want to create a information product myself? Frist it gives you many advantages with your own product you can establish yourself as an expert easily. It gives you more control and you get to keep most of the money. To do this you really only need a couple of things first is you need to find a hungry market with buyers in that market then find solutions for that market one way to do that is head on over to the warrior forum and look at the titles of the forums if that forum is in the niche you are in or you can Google discussion forums and find one related to you niche this will give you a idea of products you can have created. You can have a e-book easily created about any title that you find in the warrior forum once you have a e-book in mind simply look for someone to create it at the warrior forum under warrior's for hire or odesk make sure to look for a similar product on clickbank or do a Google search for a similar product that you can show the outsourcer so they have a model to go by once they e-book is created you will need graphics and a sales letter for the site it can be a simple 1 page site again this can be posted on the warrior forum and done for cheap. once you have those then you need a programmer and that can also be found on the warrior forum as well then you will need to collect payments this can be done through paypal or clickbank either one if you go through paypal you will need to generate a code for a button and give that to your programmer.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

List Building Made Easy

In this post I am going to share a easy list building strategy with you just don't over think it. To get started with this you need a couple of things first is a hot offer which can be found by going to click bank and reviewing categories which in essence are broken down into niches and sub niches but in general people will want to look better, feel better and always need more money and these will also be competitive niches which is a good thing we will want lot's of competition we just need to out smart them. Once you have a hot offer you will need to do keyword research in that niche which can be done at but you will need a adwords account to use there tool or you can Google keyword research tool and find one that suits your need next you will want to head over to this will be were you will make a landing page that has an awesome headline and call to action and also give a freebie away in exchange visitors will leave you there name and email and get added onto your list this will require a getresponse account or aweber account. Once you have a landing page set-up next part is to drive traffic to that page you can do this with Facebook ads Facebook has a lot of targeting options so you will get highly targeted leads from this. Once you have lead's coming in you will want to make sure you have a e-mail series set-up to capitalize on the lead's coming in.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a simple concept: you find buyers for products and when the sale is made, you earn a percentage of it as a affiliate usually 50-75% . If you have ever done a search on Google, you have seen the advertisements that pop up on the top and right side of the page. Those pop-up advertisements are from affiliate marketers trying to make a sale. Almost anyone with an Internet connection can become an affiliate marketer. click bank is one of the largest networks that offer affiliate's a chance to earn 50-75% commissions. usually in affiliate marketing you would research a product that is in a hot niche and you are looking to find solution's to problems that hot niche is having once you have done that you find the product that you want to promote click bank provides a link you promote that link and when someone buy's you get a commission that is affiliate marketing. If you go to and look over there blog it is a very good resource for information into this topic. In later post of this blog I will go into more detail on how to succeed as an affiliate marketer and what it takes to make it online.